Unit 1: Back to School


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Vocabulario los estudiantes deben saber y deletrear correctamente es:









































Comparative Adjectives


There are four basic rules for forming english comparatives.


Los adjetivos de una sylable terminan en -er. Sin embargo, si el adjetivo termina en una vocal y una consonante doblamos la última consonante antes de añadir el -er.


She is smaller than you think.


Mount Everest is higher than Ben Nevis.


I am bigger than you.


Half of the world is fatter than the other half.




Los adjetivos que tienen 2 sylables o más no cambia pero ponemos la palabra 'more' antes de ellos.


This food is more delicious than mine.


The book is more imaginative than the film.


Please be more careful.


Every year is more difficult than the last.




Los adjetivos que terminan en -y pierden el -y & ganar -ier. Sin embargo, si el adjetivo termina en una vocal y una consonante doblamos la última consonante antes de añadir el - ier.


She is happier than her sister.


He's crazier than a fox.


A domestic cat is lazier than a wild one.


A flower is prettier than a weed.




Hay algunos adjetivos irregulares que no siguen ninguna de estas reglas.


Good = better


Manchester Utd are better than Chelsea.


Bad = worse


Chelsea are worse than Manchester Utd.



Cuando comparamos las cosas que podemos decir las cosas son más que, menos que o igual.



Más que: Cuando queremos decir alguien o algo es más que alguien o algo que usamos las reglas adjetivas arriba y mas que.


He is fatter than an elephant.


This program is more interesting than the one we watched last night.


That girl is prettier than a flower.


The weather is better in Spain than in Germany.




Menos que: Cuando queremos decir alguien o algo es menos que alguien o algo el adjetivo no cambia. Va entre no tan y como.


Spain is not as big as America.


The English homwework is not as difficult as the science homework


Macdonalds is not as tasty as Burger King.


Last year was not as good as this one




Igual: Cuando queremos decir alguien o algo es menos que alguien o algo el adjetivo no cambia. Va entre tan y como.


She is as tall as you.


Orange is as attractive as yellow.


The boys are as naughty as the girls.


The pasta is as bad as the pizza.


Relative clauses with who


Usamos oraciones relativas para dar información adicional sobre algo sin iniciar otra sentencia.


The relative clause for people is who.



I lke this woman. She wears a red hat.


I like this woman who wears a red hat.



My friend is a good person. He helps people.


My friend is a good person who helps people.




Relative Clauses.docx
Microsoft Word Document 12.2 KB



Writing: **Island of Echoes reward: Any writing that recieves an 8 or more = 1 point and 3 gold coins (per student).**



Los estudiantes necesitan saber cómo escribir dos párrafos breves utilizando el presente simple y presente continuo para describir lo que la hacen cada día y lo que están haciendo en este momento.

Que deben usar el presente simple.
Que deben usar el presente continuo
Que deben usar adjetivos

Deben usar al menos dos oraciones relativas con quien.



My name is Marcos and I have got short curly hair. Every day I get up and go to school. I study many subjects in school but maths is my favourite. My maths teacher who has short black hair is interesting and helpful.


At the moment I am sitting in my bedroom. I am looking out of my window at the colourful flowers in my garden. My sister is playing with her dolls on the green grass. She is with her friend who is laughing at our enormous hairy dog and tiny chihuahua.